Self Treatment

Choose the right NHS Service.   NHS Choices provides information to help you.

Please Click Here for the ‘Choose Well’ leaflet to help choose the right service for you.

Self Care

Minor illnesses such as hangovers, upset stomachs, headaches, sore throats and coughs can all be treated at home with a well stocked medicine cabinet and plenty of rest.


Pharmacists are trained medical professionals who can provide free expert medical advice on the best treatment for a wide range of illnesses and minor ailments.

Our of Hours GP Services

If you need to see a Doctor when the practice is closed please contact NHS 111.

A&E or 999 is only for health emergencies.   Please only use the 999 service for serious health emergencies such as: a major accident, broken bones, breathing problems, severe chest pains, unconsciousness, suspected stroke and severe blood loss. is a website which provides more health information including leaflets on lifestyle, illnesses as well as other health related information.