Patients can now book appointments with our Nurses and Health Care Assistants through our online access. Please see below a list of services that can be booked with these members of the team.
Health Care Assistants
- Bloods
- Blood Pressure
- Hypertension Review
- B12 Injections
- ECGs
- Flu Vaccines
- Pneumococcal Vaccine
- Shingles Vaccines
- NHS Health Checks (Over 40s Only)
- New Patient Medicals
- Spirometry
- 24 Hour BP Monitoring
- Bloods
- Blood Pressure
- Hypertension Review
- B12 Injections
- ECGs
- Flu Vaccines
- Pneumococcal Vaccine
- Shingles Vaccines
- NHS Health Checks (Over 40s Only)
- New Patient Medical
- Smears
- Spirometry
- Pill Checks
- Swabs
- Asthma Checks
- CHD Reviews
- COPD Review
- Stroke Review
- Child Immunisations